Contributions and Membership

Be a part of honoring and educating women worldwide. Our carefully chosen scholarship recipients make a difference in the lives of women and girls both locally and internationally, daily. Help us give the vital educational tools necessary to achieve a more prosperous, peaceful, just, and sustainable world. Without education, a plan, and an empowered community whose goal is sustainable self-sufficiency that may include fair trade agreements, no amount of donated food or medical care will help a community. In fact, gratuitous charity with no long term plan can actually weaken and destroy communities. When supporting any charity, choose carefully and wisely by considering every organization's history, accomplishments, means, and mission. * Membership and All *Noted Contributions are Tax Deductible as Allowed by Law

When you become a member of WIC, you are making a choice to help empower women, to make your own voice heard, and to make a difference. We accept annual membership dues online via PayPal or by mail if you send a check made payable to Women's International Center to: Women's International Center, PO Box 669, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, USA 92067-0669.


$30 Individual
$60 Family
$500 Benefactor
$1,000 Honorary Member
(Seniors-65 + 20% discount)


1) Living Legacy Awards Sponsorship
2) Women's International Center Scholarship/Sisterships
3) JACKEE HARRY Educational Scholarship Fund for Women's International Center

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email: team "at" Tel 858 759 356seven