Tatyana Valentina Mamonova

Founder and President, Woman and Earth Global Eco-Network

Living Legacy Award 2002

Tatyana Mamonova is considered the founder of the Russian Women's Movement. She is the first feminist dissident exiled from the former Soviet Union.

She was exiled for editing and publishing the underground 'samizdat' ALMANAC: WOMAN AND RUSSIA, an art and literary journal containing the first collection of Soviet feminist writings, which has now been published in 11 1anguages and in over 22 countries. (A selected anthology titled WOMEN AND RUSSIA was published in book form in the USA by Beacon Press.)

Tatyana is a feminist, prize winning author, poet, watrcolor artist, journalist, publisher, producer, lecturer, scholar, facilatator and human rights advocate.

She has been in the public eye throughout the entire world. Hundreds of national and international newspaper and magazine interviews have been conducted on her including, THE LONDON GUARDIAN, COSMOPOLITAN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, HARVARD WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL. Tatyana has also been the subject of documentary films and interviewed on television throughout the world.

In line with Tatyana's status as "citizen of the world", in the 1990's Tatyana founded, edited and began publishing WOMAN AND EARTH Almanac, the international bilingual Russian/English eco-feminist almanac that is the expanded continuation of her now famous 'samizdat' that is dis- tributed free of charge to individual women and women's groups in Russia, and Eastern Europe.

Mamonova has interviewed many famous feminists including Bella Abzug, Kate Millett and Robin Morgan.

Tatyana continues her career as a journalist, writing for newspapers and serving as an international Advisor to MS MAGAZINE. Her second book Russian Women's Studies: Essays on Sexism in Soviet Culture, is used as text in colleges and universities worldwide. It is in its third printing.

Tatyna Mamonova is leaving a lasting legacy.

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