Nancy Wexler

She Seeks The Cure
For Hereditary Diseases

In 1969, Nancy Wexler, Ph.D., became President of the Hereditary Disease Foundation, a clinic founded by her father, Milton Wexler, M.D. The clinic, located in Santa Monica, California, is researching the causes and cures for Huntington's Disease.

Nancy Wexler has a personal reason for wanting to make these monumental discoveries. She and her sister are "at risk", since their mother died from this hereditary, untreatable and fatal brain disorder.

She was instrumental in discovering the complex chromosomal test which can tell patients if they will develop the disease, which usually strikes young adults between the ages of 35 and 45. It is the first step in finding the answer.

The research which led to this discovery came as a result of Nancy Wexler's dedication to a group of natives in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, many of whom suffer from this disease. All are related to one woman who died of the disease, and they carry on the disease through their genes. Each year, Nancy Wexler returns to the village to personally work with these individuals.

Today, one in 20,000 people contract Huntington's Disease. With the committed research of Nancy Wexler, the hope is to eventually eradicate this tragic disease. Over fifteen million Americans suffer from inherited diseases. Millions more are affected by many other diseases with hereditary components. She is dedicated to helping these millions.

Dr. Wexler divides her busy schedule between Columbia University Neurology and Psychiatry Department, Hereditary Disease Foundation and the patients in Venezuela.

Her focus and commitments are extraordinary.

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