Mickey Patterson-Tyler

A Champion

Audrey Mickey Patterson-Tyler is truly a legend in women's track and field.

In 1948, at the Olympics in London, Mickey became the first U.S. woman to run the then new 220 yard dash and the first black woman to ever win an Olympic medal. She took home the bronze medal. The year before the Olympics, she was National Champion in the 220 meter.

But it was not always so rewarding for Mickey Tyler. As a child she was a victim of segregation and discrimination in New Orleans. Being a survivor, she seized every opportunity and began her rise to local and national prominence in track and field.

She became the National and International Indoor/Outdoor and Collegiate Champion in the 100/200 and 400 Relay, and as she did so, she realized that others need help to realize their potential.

For the past twenty years, Mickey Patterson-Tyler has headed "Mickey's Missiles", a national and international track team made up of young people from every racial, economic and social background. She teaches and coaches, develops and innovates new sports programs for these and many other young people.

She has been acknowledged by many groups and organizations. She was named "San Diego Woman of the Year" by the Press Club; "Outstanding Contributor to Youth"; service to the community by San Diego State University and by the Black Federation: "Outstanding Achievement Award" from NAACP, and "Trail Blazer" by the National Association of Business and Professional Women, among many awards.

Mickey Patterson-Tyler's true award is the loving gratitude given to her by the thousands of young people she has helped to become the best they can be.

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