Jane Russell

A Dedicated Champion for Children

Jane Russell is an advocate for kids. During the 1950's, actress Jane Russell began a mission which has resulted in the adoptive placement of nearly 38,000 children through her organization, WAIF.

Working on behalf of the 300,000 American children living in foster care and institutions, WAIF operates national advocacy, public and professional education programs. Locally, WAIF sponsors adoption recruitment events for children who are older, handicapped or of a minority race.

Jane Russell knows that every child, every waif, has the right to a permanent and loving family. For over 30 years, Miss Russell has turned the extraordinary publicity of her acting career to focus on the plight of homeless children. She devotes her heart and soul to see to the placement of children in a loving home.

Miss Russell championed the passage of the Federal Orphan Adoption Amendment of 1953, which allowed, for the first time, children of American servicemen born overseas to be placed for adoption in the United States The ensuing years have allowed single parents to adopt, for children to be moved across state lines for adoptive placement, and most recently, the implementation of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act which mandates the reform of the adoption and foster care system in all 50 states.

Since 1981, Jane Russell has testified before the US. Congress and met with over 150 Senators and Representatives, as well as with President George Bush. In addition, her appeals have appeared in thousands of newspapers and magazines, and she has appeared on all TV network news programs and scores of television interview shows. ALL FOR THE CHILDREN WHO NEED A CHAMPION.

Jane Russell is truly leaving, for thousands, her successful living legacy.











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A non-profit education and service foundation (501 c3), founded 1982, and the Living Legacy Awards ©2008